§ historical, to do list, clients and apps, apis

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  • todo list easier access

    medlir wrote in suggestions Dec 23, 2001 01:57

    todo list easier access
    Short, concise description of the idea
    URL Redirect for todo list from /users/username/todo
    Full description of the idea
    I knwo the todo list is in beta and not complete, but even as it is now, it would be a lot more useful I think if it was eas easier to get to. Going to my page, then my userinfo, and then hovering ( Read more... )

    § historical, to do list

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  • ToDo UI

    pamc wrote in suggestions Dec 05, 2001 23:24

    ToDo UI
    Short, concise description of the idea
    When editing, edit button leads to updated todo list
    Full description of the idea
    I know the ToDo list is an "in progress" section. I've got a usability suggestion. Currently, when you've edited an entry, you get the following results ( Read more... )

    § historical, to do list

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  • (Untitled)

    anath47 wrote in suggestions May 31, 2001 11:28

    could the to-do list send out emails when things must be done, something like the birthday reminders. like maybe a set number of days/hours beforehand. I think the benefits are apparent.

    § historical, to do list, notifications

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